Thursday, October 06, 2011

Hello all you folks out there!

We are two weeks into our annual Fall Tour and having a wonderful time. We have one person battling strep throat and another with arthritis but we are still working away. Strep throat person is Carol and that’s why we haven’t heard much on the blog recently. (I didn’t want you all to catch it!…haha. :)) She hasn’t spread it around (everyone in the bus says Hallelujah!) but it’s made concerts, particularly 5 in one week very challenging. She appears to be on the mend though it is still awkward/dry/painful to sing and swallow.

In other news! Dad is in need of prayer as his arthritis is very painful and in a big flare up. We would appreciate any and all prayers for that to go into remission. God is able!

In ministry news we have had good attendance at concerts and CDs are going out! We are so grateful for all kind and beautiful folks who have been so sweet and cooked and taken us out to eat this trip. We are quite a crew to feed and we appreciate all the blessings.

We are parked at a church in Battle Creek, Michigan as I type this. We helped them this morning with chores and the special task of ripping out a room to be remodeled with drywall.

Seth lending a hand to Peter….

When we were in Dayton, OH we visited and Air Force Museum with our friend Abigail. It was a FABULOUS place and we wish we had had more then a few hours to really soak in all the information presented.

This is some of us posing….

The thingy that landed on the moon!!

Papa and Vincent next to a wind tunnel.

The innards of a plane…

One of the rarer exhibits is a genuine uniform of a concentration camp prisoner.

It was a great way to spend a few hours and if you’re ever in Dayton, Ohio you should stop in. It’s free!

Seth has been working on editing our new album!! We are excited about some progress and looking forward to having this music go public.

Also in Ohio we stopped and visited our friend who cuts hair… sharrrrrrrrrp!

Hannah has been practicing her guitar playing and getting tips and lessons from her older brothers….

I think she’s enjoying it! : )

Well, :achooo: :sniff: I think I’ll sign off here. Nice visiting with you and see you down the road. : )


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