Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 10th - Brownsville, TX, 10:11am CST

First, today is mom’s birthday!


Happy Birthday, Mom. : )

We had Papa’s birthday party yesterday. He turned 82. : )


Happy Birthday, Papa!

Yesterday we visited a HUGE flea market, went shopping at Seven Seas, and Wal-Mart.

Day before yesterday we sang at Holiday Inn for a private Valentines Day banquet. We were graciously asked to eat with all the couples afterward. It was delicious. The poems/letters the men wrote to their wives and read out loud were touching and sweet and the ’favorite moment’ time of sharing was, at times, hilarious. We heard a few stories we won’t be forgetting soon. : D

Pre concert in our pink.


February 12th - Headed back to Brownsville from Edinburg, TX - 1454

Howdy! We were at a McD parking lot for a few minutes earlier today but it wasn’t long enough to get everything posting for you all. Maybe tonight we’ll be able to post. There is one thing about being home I really enjoy, constant and consistent wifi!

Our morning concert was interesting, since a lot of the people didn’t speak English. The pastor tried to interpret the intros to the songs but not the song themselves. Hopefully we did enough recognizable songs. They took us to Golden Corral after, which was serving a HUGE buffet. I don’t think I’ve seen so much choices at a buffet before! The place was packed out, and we had to wait a few minutes for seats. After we went to a birthday party, and tried the fajitas. Not bad, and nice and hot. : )

Carol and her new friend, Emily.


Nathan and Israel


We headed off to Paul’s RV and enjoyed a good time of ministry there. We went back to Wal-Mart and were serenaded by some loud music from a truck. Down here a lot of folks blare very loud music from their trucks. It was so loud on Saturday night we left our parking spot next to the church in search of a quieter area. It was quite obnoxious and hindering our sleep!

That sorta of brings us up to what happened today. We sang an accapella song in the chapel service at RGBI. The whole service was in, guess what, SPANISH! Bonnie is the only one who has been studying Spanish, but now the rest of us have come to the conclusion we should. We have decided to lean Spanish as a family, with Bonnie as our teacher. Maybe next year we’ll be able to communicate and minister better here in the valley.

When that was over we walked over to the multi-purpose building and sang for the campers/volunteers. They spoke English, thankfully. : )

February 13th - Route 77 on the way to Rockport - 11:08AM

Howdy y’all! Still no wifi in sight. : )

We sang last night in Brownsville. After the service the kids were quizzing us on Spanish.


Bonnie did good. J Our new friends invited us to their cassa (I think that means house) and made us flour tortillas. Delicious! Pastor brought by some tamales, along with sweet bread, milk and Mexican cookies for breakfast. Another delicious meal!

It’s really neat to see so many blooms and flowers out in the middle of winter.

One thing I’m not sure I like is the chili on everything! They like chili on watermelon, candy, vegetables, fruit and much more. I wouldn't be surprised if they put it in milk!

Thanks to everyone who made our stay in the valley enjoyable!


Blogger Sara N. Smith said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. MacDonald!!! Best Wishes!!!

I love the ladies in pink - very cute!!! :)

2/13/2008 8:35 PM  
Blogger cali2carolina said...

Happy Birthday, Laurie and Mr. Prestigiacomo! :)

2/14/2008 12:14 PM  
Blogger BonnieJ said...

Ecribas muy bien ;) ?Recuerdas que quieren decir las palabras "Lo siento"?

2/15/2008 11:15 AM  

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